
Shenzhen Ruipuxun Academy  for Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine

Natural Killer Cells NK Cell

首页    Stem cell therapy research data    CANCER IMMUNOTHERAPY    Natural Killer Cells NK Cell

Cancer Immunotherapy Natural Killer “NK” Cells Therapy

Throughout modern history, treatments for cancer were dominated primarily by very cytotoxic pharmaceuticals and chemotherapy. These traditional means of treating cancer that are successful in killing cancer cells but these toxic medications also destroy many of the bodies healthy cells, causing serious side-effects. The long goal of scientists has always been to target & only kill cancer cells.

Alternative Treatment for Cancer

Natural Killer Cells

The human body’s first line of defense against cancer is the natural killer Cells or “NK.”  Recent advancements in regenerative medicine and non-toxic radiology have helped us get much further than ever before. Our current therapeutic goals have focused primarily on strengthening your body’s own natural capacity to fight diseases and cancer.(Selathurai et al. 2014)*

The Human immune system is always finding ways to prevent cancer by utilizing NK Cells or Natural Killer cells. Our immune system can and does destroy both precancerous and cancerous cells while recognising and not harming the healthy cells. The Regeneration center of Thailand has developed an innovative new Targeted therapies such as Autologous NK cellular immunotherapy using the patient’s own immune system to fight and destroy cancer.

Our unique activated lymphocyte therapy works by infusing harvested autologous Enriched NK cells form the patients immune system’s to directly assault and kill the invading cancer cells. NK Cells or ” T killer cells” are a kind of white blood cell known as a lymphocyte. These lymphocytes are part of congenital immune system in humans.(Knorr et al. 2014)*


These Killer cells play a leading part our bodies ability to reject “foreign mutant cells” such as tumours or virally infected cells. Natural Killer cells are either cytotoxic T cells or natural killer T cells. Tiny granules within its cytoplasm contain very specific proteins (proteases & perforin) that are known as granzymes. A large number of cytokines are produced by Natural T Killer cells including:

  • Interleukin (IL-10)

  • Tumor necrosis factor α TNFα

  • IFNγ


Natural Killer T cells and nk cell receptors are usually activated naturally in our bodies as a response to interferon signals (bodies distress signal) or macrophage-derived cytokines.  The cell antibodies try to “mark” the invading/cancerous cells for destruction. This path is known as ADCC or Antibody Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity which is basically part of our bodies adaptive immune response system. Naturally circulating cells patrol our bodies looking to destroy any infected or dangerous cells. An ADCC assay  is usually required to determine if a person has NK cell deficiency.


Some types of cancer cells can however evade death by killers cells through tricking the KIR or killer inhibitory receptor of natural killer nk cells. Some cancers are able to activate the NK cell  “master-off switch,” to evade destruction. For some that means that our natural population of NK cells cannot protect us against the cancerous tumours.(Mimura et al. 2014)* For such cases Allogeneic NK cell therapy is needed.

2017年6月22日 10:15