
Shenzhen Ruipuxun Academy  for Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine

Ischemic Heart Disease – CHD

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Treating Heart Disease with Cardiac Stem Cells

UPDATED April 20, 2017Cardiovascular diseases are one of the major causes for fatality in the world. Over the years, the rate of deaths caused by cardiovascular diseases have decreased in some countries while dramatically increasing in others. The percentage of premature deaths from cardiovascular illness ranges from a low of 3% in nations with a high GDP up to 49% in low-GDP nations. More than 250 million individuals across the worlds lost their lives due to coronary heart disease and cardiovascular diseases in 2011. According to cardiac stem cell research, each year heart illness kills significantly more humans than cancer. In recent years, cardiovascular dangers in women has been growing at a fast rate and has killed a higher percentage of women than breast cancer has.

Coronary Heart Disease “CHD” is also known as coronary artery disease “CAD”. CAD or CHD are conditions in which the coronary arteries are weakened due to plaque buildup in our blood circulatory system. The arteries are primarily responsible for providing blood and oxygen to the heart. Stem Cell Therapy for Heart Disease can be a good choice for those seeking a safe, non-surgical alternative treatment for most cardiac diseases including Chronic Ischemic Arteries and Coronary Heart Disease.

Stem Cell Treatment for Heart Failure

Therapeutic cardiomyocyte regeneration using hematopoietic mesenchymal stem cells. Replace dead cardiomyocytes with functionally integrated cardiac and vascular endothelial cells.Decrease inflammation and Angiogenesis to increase blood vessel growth for the heart.

Plaque is produced because of the cholesterol, calcium, fat, and other substances found in the blood. When the plaque starts to build up in your arteries, you get diagnosed with a disease called atherosclerosis. The building up of the plaque takes place over many years. As time passes by, the plaque narrows your coronary arteries and thus hardens. This is the cause for the limited oxygen-rich blood in the heart.

The plaque infested region can also rupture, or break open. This forms a blood clot on the surface of the plaque. When this worsens, and the blood clot becomes bigger, this disturbs the blood flow in the coronary artery. Moreover, angina or a heart attack might happen if your heart does not receive a regular flow of blood and fresh oxygen. Angina is a severe discomfort in the chest. It might feel like there is a pressure or squeezing inside your chest. The discomfort also might happen inside your neck, shoulders, arms, back or, jaw. Angina discomfort might even really feel like indigestion.


A heart attack, on the other hand happens when the regular flow of blood rich in oxygen to the section of the heart is disrupted or blocked. If this flow is not remedied immediately, the particular section of the heart will not function. Without immediate treatment, a heart attack can occur and this may lead to death. With time, CHD will make the heart weaker, and this could result in arrhythmia and often heart failure.

Heart disease is a condition where the heart does not have the capability to pump sufficient blood required by the body. Arrhythmia has something to do with the abnormal rhythm and rate of the heartbeat.(Nartprayut et al. 2013)*


Please note Cardiac stem cell transplants are not appropriate for all cardiovascular diseases. Heart Cell Therapy,cardiac tissue and cell engineering are limited options for those with severe heart muscle damage. Patients with severe scarring,late stage or those with travel restrictions will not qualify for the 14-21 day treatment time needed. Please contact us for more information

Treat Coronary Heart Disease with Stem Cells – VDO

Stem cells are a proven safe and non-surgical treatment option and can help reverse heart disease. (Hou et al. 2013)* The Regeneration Center of Thailand offers a unique and customized cardiac regeneration protocol depending on the underlying medical condition and patients needs. Cardiac cell transplants help rebuild a patient’s heart tissue by utilizing clinical grade hematopoietic mesenchymal stem cells. For most elderly patients or those with severe physical limitations, a combination allogeneic cell treatment is available.  This options is only available for patients who’s own cells are not sufficient or effective. The stem cells are 100% immunocompatible and expanded from amniotic membrane or umbilical cord derived mesenchymal stem cells “UCMSC” to help assist replenish damaged heart cells. (Windmolders et al. 2013)* The enriched stem cells are then placed them back into the heart generally using multiple stage delivery over a period of 2 weeks.

The benefits of having regenerative heart stem cell therapy include:

Treat the Following Cardiovascular Disease with Cardiopoietic Cells


Total Number of Stem Cell Infusions: 2-6 Infusion of Hematopoietic Mesenchymal Cardiomyocyte cells (per Treatment stage requirement) Multiple Stages may be required for severe conditions

Cardiac Rehabilitation Post Treatment: Cardiac Rehabilitation therapy in Bangkok is optional and can be provided for a minimum of 2 hours per day and 5 days per week. 
Medical visas and accommodations for the patient and family/friends at an extended stay service apartment or hotel can also be included upon request.

Total Time Required in Bangkok: Estimated around 2-3 weeks in Thailand (depending on the patients medical needs)



2017年6月22日 10:04