
Shenzhen Ruipuxun Academy  for Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine


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Modified Islet Beta Stem Cell Therapy to Treat Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 & 2

Updated March 24, 2017 – In the unfortunate event you or perhaps a family member are coping with diabetes you should be aware of its consequences on the body and mind. Diabetes is usually termed the “silent killer” mainly because it strikes the body slowly and without warning. Newly diagnosed diabetic patients are usually not  worried about it since their symptoms are often no more severe than recurrent urination and increased thirst. A number of other individuals have no symptoms at all.

Treating Diabetics With Stem Cells

As time goes by however, the effects of both kinds of diabetes become increasingly serious and may lead to death. These symptoms include heart disease, eye issues, kidney failure, nerve damage and erectile dysfunction, to name a few. Hypoglycemia (acute low blood sugar) and hyperglycemia (high level of blood sugar) are the key contributors to the effects of diabetes. According to recent research, some of the oral diabetes medications can also help contribute to heart malfunction.(Kao and Chen 2012)* That is exactly why it’s important that women and men who are clinically diagnosed as “diabetic” immediately seek treatment to relieve hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. These conditions often trigger the more harmful, degenerative ailments. The regeneration center can help treat DM with our innovative enriched and expanded Mesenchymal cells treatment for Diabetes safely and without any artificial medicines or need for regular insulin dependency.(Yong Zhao et al. 2013)*

Reverse Hyperglycemia with Insulin Producing Beta-Cells

Stem Cell treatments for diabetes fights the disease at its origins in the pancreas. Decreasing hyperglycemia as well as associated complications (see above). According to recent research, it can also relieve hypoglycemia or low level of blood sugar, which consequently can also lead to fatality if it is not treated immediately. Diabetic patients are treated by injecting enriched MSC stem cells in to the pancreatic area via IV or directly (severe cases). Diabetes is ametabolic disease with a significant inflammatory component wherein the individual has elevated level of blood sugar, because the human body cannot generate enough insulin, or maybe because the cells are no longer responding to the insulin produced naturally by the body. The high blood sugar levels instigate signs of polyuria or recurrent peeing, polydipsia or abnormal increase in thirst, and polyphagia, pancreatitis or the state of increased hunger and in severe cases lupus disease.(Sacks et al. 2013)*


3 Major Types of Diabetes Mellitus:

Type 1 diabetes: results from your body’s failure to generate insulin, and currently requires the individual to inject insulin. (Likewise known as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, IDDM for short, and juvenile diabetes)- Cell therapy to stop immune cells from destroying insulin producing pancreatic islet cells. (Sukpat et al. 2013)*

Type 2 diabetes: results from insulin resistance, a condition wherein cells are not able to use insulin appropriately, sometimes coupled with a complete insulin deficiency. – Type 2 is usually and acquired disease and if caught early is a very treatable condition at the regeneration center.

Gestational Diabetes: is when pregnant women, who’ve never had diabetes before, have a high blood glucose level while being pregnant. It may precede development of type 2 DM.- We currently cannot treat Gestational diabetes with stem cell therapy.

  • FPG, fasting plasma glucose

  • HNF, hepatocyte nuclear factor

  • GAD, glutamic acid decarboxylase

  • GDM, gestational diabetes

  • GCT, glucose challenge test

  • IFG, impaired fasting glucose

  • MODY, maturity-onset diabetes (young)

  • IGT impaired glucose tolerance

Long-term risks of having diabetes include retinopathy (loss of vision), diabetic nephropathy which leads to kidney failure, peripheral neuropathy ( foot ulcers that lead to amputations or charcot joints ), and autonomic neuropathy that causes genitourinary, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular symptoms with sexual dysfunction. Patients diagnosed with diabetes also report increased occurrences of peripheral arterial disease (PAD),atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular disease. Other complications include Hypertension and severe abnormalities of lipoprotein metabolism. Many patients can also impair insulin secretion because of pharmaceutical medications they are taking. These medications do not directly cause diabetes, but they may might lead individuals to become insulin resistant.

Can Stem Cells Cure Diabetes?

At this stage, cures for Type 1 diabetes or gestational diabetes are very very low probability. There is a genetic component of the disease that will require gene therapy to reprogram the cells from reverting back to their compromised states however these solutions are just in the clinical trials stage and have not been approved for clinical applications. Type 2 Diabetes T2D however is usually treatable and reversible if caught early enough before it starts effecting other organs/systems in the body. Often time, patients simply ignore the disease and try to manage the symptoms using traditional diabetes medication (Metformin,Thiazolidinediones,DPP-4 inhibitors,Meglitinides), change of diet and/or regular insulin therapy. If left untreated, complications often occur and can include:

  • Foot Complications / Ulcers

  • Kidney Disease (Nephropathy)

  • Ketones & DKA (Ketoacidosis)

  • Ulcerative colitis and crohn’s disease – IBD

  • High Blood Pressure & Hypertension ( leads to heart disease,eye problems )

  • Brain Strokes

  • HHNS

  • Gastroparesis


Please note patients with severe or multiple conditions may have travel restrictions and unable travel to Thailand. All potential candidates seeking treatment for DM must be approved in advance using current/actual medical records and results from recent blood panels including HbA1C, fasting plasma glucose (FPG), oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), Blood pressure and Lipid profiles.

 Treat Adult-Onset Diabetes with Beta Cell Transplants

Depending on the patients medical needs, Diabetics are most often treated by injection of lab enhanced autologous cells from peripheral blood (PBSC ) or Adipose tissue. Older patients or severe cases with multiple underlying conditions will require enhanced allogeneic stem cells (anti-HLA antibodies) that are differentiated into glucose-sensing, insulin-producing beta cells.


The Regen Center Diabetes Treatment – Overview

Number of Stem Cell Infusions: 2-6 injections of Clinical grade MSC+ mesenchymal stem cells (per treatment stage).

Type of Injections: 
Pancreatic endocrine cells differentiated to beta cells and delivered to the patient via IV Drip or combination of sequential Interthecal injections.

Rehabilitation Treatment : (Optional) Rehabilitation therapy (2 hours per day and 5 days per week)
Medical visas and accommodations for extended stay can also be included at an additional cost.

Total Treatment Period : 2 – 4 weeks

2017年6月22日 09:11