Pancreatitis Treatment
Treat Pancreatitis with Islet Stem Cells
Updated January 20, 2017 – Since the early 1970’s, Researchers have been busy working on the further development of basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor that later become the very model for the rapid development of protein NMR,stem cell therapies,molecular dynamics, regenerative medicine and also for experimental studies such as the world’s first artificial pancreas in medical laboratories throughout the world.
Islet Cell Transplants (VDO)
Each year, hundreds of thousands people around the globe experience having some sort of pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is defined as the inflammation of the pancreas. Pancreatitis occurs when the enzymes trypsin become activated. If you suspect that you may have pancreatitis, it is very important that you consult with a Pancreatic specialist or Endocrinologist in your home country immediately. There are several reasons why we develop pancreatitis but the overwhelming cause for most pancreatitis is due to frequent alcohol intake and gallstones. Eating and drinking habits play the biggest role in those afflicted with this degenerative disease.
Causes for Pancreatitis
Warning Signs and Symptoms
Just like any other medical condition, there are physical signs and symptoms that will manifest themselves. The usual symptoms for pancreatic failure include:
Severe abdominal pains
Drastic weight loss
Frequent vomiting
Those who suffer from pancreatitis may also experience high blood pressure. If left untreated, Chronic pancreatitis symptoms can lead to inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohns disease, diabetes ,diabetic neuropathy or pancreatic cancer.
Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis
Most clinical studies have proven that the leading causes of pancreatitis is attributed to alcohol and gallstones. For chronic pancreatitis, alcohol is the common etiology while acute pancreatitis is attributed to gallstones. Chances are if you like to drink a lot and you have sedentary lifestyle, you are putting yourself at a huge risk of developing liver Cirrhosis,kidney disease ,Erectile dysfunction , heart disease and/or chronic pancreatic disease.
Some medications can also lead to pancreatitis. Based on clinical research conducted by the US Food and Drug Administration, prescription medications such as clozapine, olanzapine and risperidone are big contributors to premature pancreatitis. Other medications linked to pancreatitis include: vildaglipitin, HIV drugs, pentamidine, the anticonvulsant valproic acid and diuretics to name a few. Other causes are attributed to high blood calcium, hypothermia, mumps, scorpion stings, trauma and high blood triglycerides.
Dangerous Infectious Agents
Aside from medications and your eating/drinking habits, there are also infectious agents that are linked to pancreatitis. Certain viruses like Varicella-zoster virus, Mumps, Herpes simplex virus, Hepatitis B, Cytomegalovirus and Coxsackie virus. Bacteria like Legionella, Salmonella and Mycoplasma along with fungi and parasites can also cause lead to necrosis of pancreas and pancreatitis.
How to Avoid Pancreatitis
With the kind of lifestyle that people have these days, it is not surprising that many would have to suffer from pancreatitis. To lessen the risk of developing this painful disease, it is important to live a healthy life. Try to avoid over consumption of Alcohol and avoid oily and fatty foods. Regular exercises annual medical checkups can help identify the early signs and symptoms attributed to pancreatitis.Prevention is the best cure.
Pancreas Islet Cell Transplant @ Regen Center
The treatment of pancreatitis with pancreas islet cell transplants is a safe and natural treatment for early or late stage severe pancreatitis. Our pancreas regeneration protocol looks to naturally reverse damaged caused by years of poor habits. Your bodies multipotent stem cells are produced naturally in the bone marrow and are constantly be released naturally to heal any damaged or dysfunctional organ in the body (Matsumoto 2011)*. The cells are naturally attracted to injured tissues thanks to the organ releasing specific chemical signals or by the stimulation of Chemokines or small cytokines from the brain in natural response to any injury to your body or tissue.
Stem cells have the ability to “home” or find their way to the site of injury and transform themselves into exactly the same type of cell tissue that is damaged due to their incredible plasticity.(Velpula, Dasari, and Rao 2012)*
Our Team of Endocrinologists have developed the most complete Pancreas cell isolation and restoration treatment protocol with assisted therapeutically dosages targeted specifically for the damaged pancreas cells to engraft with the tissue and grow to repair the damage and re-establish a functioning pancreas without needing invasive surgery or transplants.(Suşman et al. 2011)*
Damage to the pancreas is a very serious matter. If you are experiencing any signs or symptoms pancreas disease,we strongly suggested that you go your primary care physician right away. Some prescription medications are helpful in relieving the pain, however reversing the disease or damage is not something that can be accomplished with any pharma based medications on the market. Depending on the severity of the diagnosis back in your home country, you may only be offered surgery or worst yet a total pancreas transplant which carries other inherent risks. The Regeneration Center of Thailand offers an effective protocol depending on the needs of an acute pancreatitis patient versus those who severe or chronic pancreatitis. We also offer post pancreatic cancer cell therapy for those who have already been treated and are looking to recover sooner rather than later.
Please note, not everyone is an ideal candidate for Islet Cell Transplants. A large percentage of treatment requests cannot be approved due to the severity of the patients underlying condition or due to the the inability to travel to Thailand for the 2-3 week treatment course.
Reverse Pancreatitis Safely
Total Number of Stem Cell Infusions: 2-6 Hematopoetic Mesenchymal stem cell Infusions per treatment stage. Several stages may be required for severe conditions.
Types of Cells Used and Delivery Method: Enriched Islet cells. Mild to moderate conditions may be treated using Autologous cells that are derived from the patients peripheral Blood, Adipose Tissue, or bone marrow. For moderate to severe cases our doctors will have to use a combination treatment using HLA Matched Allogeneic stem cells from Cord blood,or Placenta cells. Our treatment does not require dangerous surgeries and the delivery of the cells will are usually made via a Guided CT Scanner (when necessary) or more commonly through an Intravenous Drip,Direct injection or Intrathecal Injections.
Post-Treatment Rehabilitation: Physical Rehabilitation post treatment is optional and available upon request. Physical rehab services can be provided in Bangkok,Chiang Mai or Phuket for 2-4 hours per day and up to 5 days per week. Medical visas,hotel accommodations and all ground transportation can also be included at an additional cost upon request.