
Shenzhen Ruipuxun Academy  for Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine

Brain Injuries – Traumatic

首页    Stem cell therapy research data    NEUROLOGICAL and SPINAL    Brain Injuries – Traumatic

Stem Cell Repair Traumatic Brain Injuries Hypoxia Trauma

 A Brain injury may be defined as an injury from the brain no matter age at onset. A brain injury can result a substantial handicap to the individual who sustained the brain injury and may trigger numerous types of cognitive impairments like lack of focus, memory or other motor-neurological disorders such as ALS or Parkinson’s Disease. A brain injury may also consist of any injury that’s vascular by nature and not traumatic where there was an event that directly caused or instigated the injury. Modern treatment options for head injuries are usually divided into 2 types. Closed head injuries and penetrating head injuries. Overlap for the 2 types does exist and Closed head injury treatments can be further segmented into mild, moderate, or severe/traumatic head injuries.  A brain injury is dissimilar from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or stroke because an exterior force injures the brain in a damaging violent manner. TBI is an injury in the brain which is brought about by some type of traumatic influence. TBI can be caused by a blows to the head, cranial penetration or  even violent tremblings. Depending on the cause and severity of the brain injury, the brain damage can be classified as serious, moderate or mild.(Dharmasaroja 2008)*

Stem Cells to Repair Brain Damage (VDO)

Each region of the human brain and spinal cord possess various types of specialized cells. The Regen Center Neural Cell replacement protocol works by first isolating then expanding of neural stem cells from specific regions that help in the development of the cen­tral nervous system (CNS).

The goal of our Neurocell therapy is to target the damaged areas and then to repair or dead, damaged or diseased cells.

Initial symptoms and signs of the TBI could consist of:

  • Headaches

  • Blurred vision

  • Dizziness

  • Confusion

  • Seizures

  • Memory loss

  • Loss of consciousness

  • Paralysis

  • Coma


How Stem Cells Reverse Damage From Brain Injuries

Stem cells transplantation into the affected region might be beneficial in certain circumstances wherein the damage is not to severe and has occurred relatively recently. (from 6 mo up to two years after initial Injury) The neural stem cell implantation purpose would be to try to restore signal functions with comparable properties. In situations of TBI, numerous cell kinds are required (glial, neuronal, vascular, endothelial and so on) to regenerate the complex functions of largely damaged region.(Kunkanjanawan, Noisa, and Parnpai 2011)*


Neural Cell Replacement Therapy

In much more severe instances of the traumatic brain related injuries, there are complications that can be fatal. While the rigorousness of the TBI differ broadly, the consequences of it in the long run are frequently devastating and life-changing. TBI are typically very sudden. The physical, non-congenital harm towards the brain by an exterior force may permanently or temporarily disrupt regular brain function. (Prè et al. 2014)* Brain characteristics and functions that may be affected include temporary or permanent loss of consciousness, speech, language, memory, character,mobility, joint pain with lupus, and recognition of other people. Since the brain controls all bodily functions, any harm towards the brain, no matter how little or severe it is, can impair physical and psychological activity.


The Regeneration Center Does Not Accept Patients With Brain and/or Spinal Injuries older than 24 months old. All Neurodegenerative disease treatments will also require physical ability to travel to Bangkok for the 2-3 week protocol.






2017年6月21日 18:01