
Shenzhen Ruipuxun Academy  for Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine

Fibromyalgia | FMS

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Effective Stem Cell Therapy for Fibromyalgia & FMS

Fibromyalgia Syndrome is also known as FM or FMS. Fibromyalgia is technically classified as a musculoskeletal disorder, but the the condition is now also being recognized as a issue relating to the central nervous system also. Symptoms for FM include stiff painful joints,chronic fatigue, increased sensitivity to pain. It also manifests symptoms on specific points on a persons chest,arms,legs or back. Other common symptoms include random migraines, irritable bowel syndrome and sleep disorders are often the common theme amongst those suffering from Fibromyalgia. It is estimated that nearly 4% percent of the worlds population may be suffering from fibromyalgia syndrome,

but even with all our advancements in medicine, there is still no clear cause for the syndrome and the condition is sometime very difficult to diagnose clinically.


Reverse Fibromyalgia With Stem Cells

The intensity of the usual fibromyalgia symptoms will differ from one individual to the next and might change based on other aspects such as time of day or the weather conditions. Due to the fact that FMS is a persistent condition, the majority fibromyalgia symptoms may never vanish unless treated.

fibromyalgia clinical trials and research have shown that most victims display having pain in certain areas, while others might experience total body discomfort including pain in muscles and tendons.

Other symptoms of Fibromyalgia Include:

  • Memory troubles.

  • Sleep disruptions

  • Sleep apnea

  • Bruxism (teeth grinding)

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus

  • Inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and crohn’s disease – IBD

IBS Therapy Using Mesenchymal Cells

Stem cells are considered the building blocks of life due to their amazing creative and natural tendency to regenerate our bodies in case of injuries. They are essentially the bodies pharmacy. The Regeneration center offers an effective treatment protocol for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue. Our treatment is unique because our protocol introduces a series of multi-stage therapeutic injections of CD34+ Enriched Mesenchymal stem cells to the patients body for a very targeted regeneration therapy. Similar multi stage treatments are also us: Cerebral Palsy, Diabetes type 2, Heart Disease and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.


In times of distress, our bodies release a naturally occurring protein called SDF-1. This protein guides the exact movement of other cells surrounding cells to help begin the healing process. This “homing” function helps the newly introduced stem cells in your body to travel to the appropriate areas for repair duties. Autologous (From Your Body) or Allogeneic (HLA Matched and Donated) stem cells are typically harvested from peripheral blood,cord blood,placenta, bone marrow or adipose fat.(Gunduz et al. 2008)* The cells are then processed and expanded in our single system GMP approved Class 5 Biomedical clean rooms where our micro-biologists are able to prepare your therapeutic doses of stem cells.(Yeephu et al. 2013)* The prepared MSC enriched stem cells and PRP are reinjected in multiple stages to promote rapid healing of the previously damaged cells.


Fibromyalgics may have many different symptoms and types of pain in multiple areas of concerns. To qualify for our treatment all patients must be clinically diagnosed in his or her home country first using standard Blood and urine tests. Clinical diagnosis typically requires 3 months of widespread pain. Our doctors will need to review your previous lab results and diagnosis

The ability to extract and properly expand/grow stem cells for an extended period of time is unique in the treatments we provide. Expansion or lab growing of stem cells is currently prohibited in most nations such as the United States,United Kingdom and Australia.(Busse et al. 2013)*



FMS & Chronic Fatigue Cell Transplant Protocol

Total Number of Stem Cell Infusions for FMS and CF:  2-6 Enriched Hematopoetic Mesenchymal stem cells infusions per Treatment Protocol

Types of Cells Used for in Fibromyalgia Treatment Protocol: 
Enriched Hematopoetic MSC Stem cells that are derived from Autologous cells such as Peripheral Blood or Adipose Tissue or via Matched Allogeneic stem cells derived from Cord blood or Placenta. Our treatments do not require any dangerous surgeries and the delivery of the cells will are usually made via a Guided CT Scanner (when necessary) or more commonly through an Intravenous Drip,Intrathecal Injections or Direct injections.

Post Treatment Rehabilitation: Physical Rehabilitation is typically not required unless there are other underlying physical issues. with the patients. We do however offer complete physical rehabilitation services post-therapy in Bangkok as Optional. Our rehab team can assist you upon request for 2-5 hours per day and up to 6 days per week. Medical travel visas assistance and extended stay accommodations at a hotel or extended stay apartment for the patient and family can also be provided upon request.

2017年6月21日 17:59