
Shenzhen Ruipuxun Academy  for Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine

Motor Neuron Disease | MND

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Stem Cell Treatment for Motor Neuron Disease MND

UPDATED January 20, 2017 – Motor neurons are essentially just nerve cells that are responsible for controlling muscles in the body to produce movement. They are in charge of carrying out signals from your brain to your muscles. People are able to perform movements through a complex process involving neurons. Nerve cells from the brain transmit messages to the nerve cells in the spinal cord which are then distributed to different muscles in the body.

If a persons motor neurons are not functioning well he/she will experience significant problems with his or her movements, such as walking, standing up, turning,breathing, eating, speaking and swallowing. Such is the devastation caused by Motor Neuron Disease or “MND.” MND is a rapidly progressive neurological degenerative ailment which damages motor neurons that are essential for us being able to control our movement. Famous cases of people with MND include Stephen Hawking, David Niven and Lou Gehrig who had ALS.


This is a very rare disease and its incidence is higher in men and women ages 50 and up. However it can also affect the younger population. Some scientists believe that MND is due to genes inherited from parents. According to research around 5 to 10 percent of MND cases are hereditary. However, the causes of motor neuron disease  and Multiple Sclerosis are still unknown. Triggers include cancer, exposure to toxic substances, chemicals and environmental contaminants.

Research on MND,Strokes and Parkinson’s Disease are still continuing and it involves attacking the immune and genetic factors, toxins, viruses, nerve growth factors that affect the activity of motor neurons. Other factors that are somewhat related to the development of MND are smoking, repeated head injuries as is with professional athletes in the NFL, high fat diet. Residents of countries such as Japan, Guam and New Guinea are also have a much higher percentage chance of exposure to chemicals and radiation due to current and previous military related activities.

Diagnosis for MND

In order to qualify for treatment of Motor Neuron Disease with stem cells, you will need to have an existing clinical diagnose for MND. Diagnosis in your home countries may include certain laboratory tests, such as MRI’s,Brain CT Scans, electromyography, nerve conduction tests, transcranial magnetic stimulation test (TMS), spinal taps, muscle biopsies, blood test and urine tests.


The typical symptoms of motor neuron disease include frequent cramps, recent weight loss, difficulty of swallowing,random muscle twitching, excessive muscle wasting or weakness, fatigue, slurred speech and drastic emotional changes. Motor neuron disease cannot be reversed. The patient and his/her family have to make major adjustments to help cope with this disease. The life expectancy of someone diagnosed with MND without treatment is 1 to 5 years. There are different types of MND and many of them can be fatal if left untreated. MND can go through plateau phase where symptoms remains stable for some period of time, but the condition will eventually worsen. Primary lateral Sclerosis is a type of MND that is less fatal and progresses gradually. As the disease progresses, people with MND will develop generalized paralysis, difficulty of swallowing, loss of speech and full dependence to other people in performing day to day activity. People who care for MND patients should also adjust to the deteriorating condition of the patient.(Sarlak et al. 2013)*

Stopping Progressive MND

Please note that very late stage Motor Neuron Disease cannot be fully reversed. However clinical trials and recent advances in neuro stem cell science has shown considerable increases in life expectancy and quality of life for a person who was diagnosed early with MND. (Phanthumchinda, Supcharoen, and Mitrabukdi 1996)* Any success relies on proper and consistent management in relieving symptoms. Muscle relaxants and prescribed Pain relievers such as morphine are not a long term solution and only mask the underlying brain degeneration. Stem cell treatment for motor neuron disease focuses on the underlying issues.(Naujock et al. 2014)*

Stem cells are basically UN-specialized cells in your body that can change into any type of tissue or cell (neuro) in the human body. Stem cells are especially unique in nature as they can reproduce and divide indefinitely. The treatment for Motor Neuron Disease with stem cells is non surgical and minimally invasive . We offer several Stem cells treatment protocols for many diseases and disorders including:


The Regeneration Center of Thailand offers treatments that focus primarily on repairing damaged and/or diseased tissues and replacement of the neural capacity through neural cells replacement therapy brought about by the rapidly degenerative disease. (Terashima et al. 2014)*


Please Note that not all patients qualify for treatment of degenerative Neurological conditions such as Motor Neuron Disease. Patients with late stage, severe underlying conditions or travel restrictions may not qualify for the 2-3 week treatment protocol in Bangkok

MND Treatment Overview

The actual protocol used will depend on the patients needs and current physical condition. The total stay required for treatment in our Bangkok facility ranges from: 2 – 4 weeks depending on the severity and protocol needed.

The total number of cell injections per stage required to treat MND range from 2-8 infusions of enriched neural cells per phase. Our Motor Neuron protocol uses mesenchymal neural stem cells and are derived from Peripheral Blood,Cord blood,Placenta derived,somatic or Adipose derived stem cells. All treatment injections are administered via IV, Interthecal or lumbar punctures as needed.

Rehabilitation for “MND” Motor Neuron Disease: Rehabilitation therapy will be required after treatment. Physical Rehabilitation can take place in Thailand or your home country. We offer full rehab facilities in Bangkok upon special requests. Medical visas and accommodations for extended stay can also be included upon request.

2017年6月21日 17:58