
Shenzhen Ruipuxun Academy  for Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine

Multiple Sclerosis

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Stem Cells for Multiple Sclerosis MS PLS Therapy

Updated January 20, 2017 – MS or Multiple sclerosis is also called disseminated sclerosis or encephalomyelitis disseminata. MS is a disorder where the myelin sheath around the axons of our brains and spinal cord are damaged, leading to demyelination and scarring in addition to a comprehensive spectrum of indications and symptoms that are commonly referred to as Multiple sclerosis.

What is MS? – VDO

Over time, MS changes the ability of nerve cells and the spinal cord to communicate with each other. Nerve cells generally communicate by sending electrical signals down long fibers known as axons. Axons are wrapped in an insulating reparing-myelin-sheath-damage-thailandbio-material called myelin. In MS, our body’s own immune system attacks and damages the myelin sheath. When our myelin is lost, axons can no longer efficiently conduct signals or communicate as they normally do.(Pipatpajong and Phanthumchinda 2011)*

The term sclerosis refers to scars, plaques or lesions in the white matter of our brain and spinal cord that is primarily composed of myelin. Although we know much about the mechanisms and symptoms or this degenerative disease, the causes of MS still remains relatively unknown. There are several neurological symptoms that can appear with MS disorder, and frequently the symptoms progress to display severe physical and cognitive impairment. New symptoms can occur rapidly or occur slowly over time. The slow appearance of symptoms is known as progressive Multiple sclerosis. The symptoms of MS can sometimes go away entirely on their own but can also lead to irreversible neurological degeneration particularly in progressive MS.(Laosanguanek et al. 2011)*

Neurological testing can help identify the disorder whose primary features are: myelinolysis in patients brains and spinal cord. The demyelinating disease primarily affects the “CNS” or central nervous system. A well known type of de-myelinating disease is known as Multiple sclerosis or MS.(Hou et al. 2013)*

Categorization of MS Disease:

  1. MS or Multiple Sclerosis

  2. Acute multiple sclerosis

  3. Persistent cerebral cord sclerosis

  4. Balo concentric diffuse cerebral sclerosis

  5. Diffuse cerebral sclerosis – Schilder’s disease

  6. Inflammation of Optic nerve myelin  – Devic’s disease

  7. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis

  8. Necrotizing hemorrhagic encephalitis – Sub-acute and Acute

4 Variations of Multiple Sclerosis with Stem Cells:

  1. RRMS or Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis:  The most common type of MS we treat. RRMS symptoms include repeat attacks with progressive loss of nerve functions after each attack, followed by a period of remission where normal function is partially or restored totally restored without flareups or Exacerbations.

  2. SPMS or Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Stage:  SPMS usually follows RRMS after continued attacks. This stage results in progressive neurological damage that is associated nerve demyelination.

  3. PPMS or Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis:  This stage represents a steady decline with no intermittent remissions, exacerbations or Flare Ups

  4. PRMS or Progressive Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis Stage: PRMS is the rarest type of MS that affects people and the most difficult to treat. Most patients will not qualify for stem cell transplants and the patients that are are usually recommended an aggressive cell protocol as part of a combination therapy that includes Immunosuppressive techniques to slow down the rapidly progressing condition.

MS is amongst the most serious and difficult nervous system disorders to treat that we have today in the field of regenerative medicine. MS Disorder normally invades specific regions of the human nervous system, causing intense exhaustion along with other symptoms and clear physical signs that can be readily identifiable using MRI or Brain CT Scans.

Clinical indications of MS include:symptoms-of-MS

  • Nystagmus

  • Motor weakness

  • Visual impairments

  • Limb paresis or paralysis

  • Diplopia

  • Peripheral neuropathic Pain

  • Ataxia

  • Motor Neuron Disease MND

  • Bladder dysfunction and urinary incontinence

Lab evaluation for MS usually require detailed cytology of the patients cerebrospinal fluid, along with detailed protein analysis and Radiographic examinations such as MRI or CT Scan around the encephalocoele. Radiographic exams look for multiple and/or isolated lesions in the brain. Nearly half of the patients we treat for MS using allogenic,amniotic neural,interferon Beta and Hematopoietic stem cells show improvement shortly after treatment while some patients show continuing improvement that lasts over a few years.


Stem Cell Transplants to Treat Multiple Sclerosis

The Regeneration Center has developed a multistage program to treat MS. Nerve stem cells and neurons are able properly regenerate damaged areas of nerve myelin and axons while mesenchymal stem cells help to reverse any autoimmune damage. This alone can help can slow down, stop or even reverse the progressive nature of MS while the enriched neural cells can target the brain lesions that exist.


Please Note That Not All Patients Qualify for Treatment of Degenerative Neurological conditions such as MS. Patients with late stage, severe underlying conditions or travel restrictions may not qualify for the 2-3 week treatment protocol in Bangkok.

Treatment Overview

Total Number of Cell Treatment: : 2-8 Infusions of clinical-grade Multipotent mesenchymal Stem cells (per Treatment stage requirement)

Type of Injections: Most patients with early stage MS will require will require enhanced stem cells. For patients with progressive MS a more aggressive combination treatment plan will be required using Allogeneic derived cells from matched Cord blood, Amniotic Membrane and/or Placenta cells are required for most cases. Our cell infusions are done over multiple dates and do not require invasive surgery. The cells are target delivered via a Guided CT Scanner (when necessary) or more commonly through an Intravenous Drip,Direct injection and/or Intrathecal Injections.

Physical Rehabilitation Post-Therapy: Physical Rehabilitation therapy for MS in Bangkok is optional depending on the patients travel/time constraints. Complete physical rehabilitation post-therapy and can be provided upon request for 2-5 hours per day and up to 5 days per week. 
Medical visas and extended stay accommodations for the patients and family can also be included upon request.

2017年6月21日 17:58