
Shenzhen Ruipuxun Academy  for Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine

Platelet Rich Plasma | PRP

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Enriched PRP and Plasma Rich Injection Therapy

A revolutionary new treatment has been discovered and is currently being accepted as a great advancement in the regenerative medicine world. The platelet rich plasma treatment or PRP therapy in Bangkok. This new non-invasive type of regeneration therapy that is being used to manage many degenerative conditions along with treatments for muscle pains, shoulder injuries, torn tendons, worn cartilage repair, damaged ligaments, arthritis in the knees and even cosmetic applications such as stem cell breast reconstruction and stem cell facelifts.

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

Currently the most widely used field for PRP therapy involves professional athletes from around the  world that require optimal physical conditions to earn a living. Elderly patients suffering from arthritis or osteoarthritis also benefit greatly from the non-surgical mesenchymal stem cells + PRP technique.


PRP Plasma Injections

When a body reacts to soft tissue injury, it immediately delivers platelet cells. Platelets have a lot of healing factors and it activates the repair mechanism of our bodies stem cells. The Platelet rich plasma therapy is done by having a small sample of the patient’s blood, this is centrifuged until it has the concentrated mixture of growth factors and plasma cells. The next step is injecting the substance into or around the injured tissue of the patient’s body. This process is believed to strengthen the body’s instinct to naturally heal on it’s own. Since the patient’s own bio-material/cells are used,(Autologous) it is considered safe and there’s virtually no chance for any negative reaction.


PRP Applications and Benefits

PRP treatments are not new. PRP has been used in modern medicine for over twenty years but only recently gained in popularity after a few well known athletes came forward and admitted to using PRP therapy in their injury rehabilitation. PRP is also often used by plastic surgeons  to heal bone grafting in the jaw, neck and mouth. It was only used recently in the sports world by specialists. In sports, it is used to treat chronic tendon conditions. Some popular athletes like Tiger Woods,Peyton Manning and Kobe Bryant have all tried this method as an alternative to traditional sports medicine. Woods and Bryant used it to treat knee injuries, and Manning for shoulder and neck injury rehabilitation.


The actual PRP procedures are only available in Bangkok and are generally pretty short. Most PRP sessions only take about an hour or two for the whole process to finish, this includes the recovery time. For more serious injuries, combination PRP and stem cell treatments are needed. MSC CD34+ Autologous Stem Cells are typically extracted and expanded in closed system stem cell lab in Bangkok.The expansion of stem cells is currently not allowed in countries such as USA,Australia and the UK causing many professional athletes to travel abroad to Germany

Our PRP treatments are performed in a private hospital in Bangkok and under the careful supervision of a Board certified Biologist and Licensed Thai Medical Doctors. The entire PRP procedure is quick and there’s generally no need for overnight hospitalization (depending on the severity of injury). The first PRP injections can offer immediate relief but more serious injuries may require multiple treatments over a span of one to 3 months depending on the severity of the injury and rehab needs. PRP Therapy generally needs to be performed two-three weeks apart and no sooner than that. We also offer full rehabilitation facilities with licensed physical therapists and strength and conditioning coaches available upon request.


Common Applications for PRP

  • PRP for Meniscus tears & Lateral Epicondylitis damage- An injury also commonly known as tennis elbow; this happens when the outer part of the elbow feels sore. Most people who has this injury got it from playing racket sports.

  • PRP Therapy for Knees & Patellar Tendonitis – An injury that occurs mostly for athletes who do repetitive jumping and inflames and irritates their tendons. This happens mostly with people who plays baseball or are painters.

  • PRP for Hip Arthritis and Hip Injuries

  • Prp for Osteoarthritis & Rotator Cuff Tendonitis – An injury in the four muscles that is used to stabilize shoulder joint.

  • PRP for Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis – An injury that causes pain in the back of the leg, or the Achilles heel.

Having PRP Therapy @ The Regen Center

The use of Platelet Rich Treatment has been increasing in the past few years and it is safe for everyone in a good shape. However, a consultation with a doctor/orthopedic surgeon is still necessary to determine if this kind of treatment is right for a patient.

The diagnosis and treatment per-qualification and treatment in Bangkok consists of 4 steps:

  1. Pre-Qualification – Your actual medical history (allergies,previous surgeries etc) along with MRI’s,lab results and/or Xrays

  2. After Qualification – Arrive for Cell Collection and Expansion (Autologous via Peripheral Blood, Adipose tissue or bone marrow derived MSC stem cells

  3. PRP + Stem Cell Treatment

  4. Follow up visits tests and examination 1 week post treatment

  5. HOME

Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment – Overview

Number of PRP Injections: Multiple enriched PRP Injections per stage

Rehabilitation Option: Strength & conditioning after your treatment in Bangkok are optional. Rehabilitation therapy is also optional depending on your travel/time constraints. Complete physical rehabilitation and can be provided upon request for 2-4 hours per day and up to 6 days per week.  Medical visas and accommodations for extended stay for the patient and family can also be included upon request

Total Treatment Time for PRP Injections + Cell Therapy: estimated total time needed for PRP in Bangkok is around 3-5 days. More severe cases requiring stem cells + PRP will require 1-2 weeks (depending on type and seriousness of your medical condition)

Cost of Having Enriched PRP at the Regen Center

Total cost for PRP treatment will depend on the nature and extent of the injury. Generally, The PRP treatment is also often combined in-conjunction with other stem cell treatments for a more effective outcome. Due to varying degrees of underlying injuries our medical team will need to qualify any potential patients. Qualified patients will receive a complimentary medical assessment using basic medical information and copies of recent exams and scans. The final treatment plan will include day by day itinerary with total number nights required along with the total and fixed medical costs (excluding accommodations or flights). To begin the qualification process please prepare your recent medical records such as (MRI/CT Scans) and contact us today.

2017年6月21日 09:32